
Violence and Mental Illness

Today I pray, along with so many others for the victims of the Arizona shooting yesterday: six dead, at least 12 others injured, including Congresswoman Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. The man in custody for this violence is now being held on multiple counts of murder, and his background searched for clues to his destructiveness. The county sheriff says the young man has mental issues. I say No Kidding. Most of us who suffer from issues of behavior, emotion and thinking have what are called mental disorders. In other words, we as individuals have problems. Problems we know as something a part of ourselves but distinct from ourselves as a people. Those who suffer mental illness are people whose disorders have them. Major mental illness (MMI) like schizophrenia or psychosis so distorts the mind, mood, perception and behavior that we have commonly called these people "out of their mind." They behave as if they don't have two normal thoughts to rub together. Often, they don't.

No scientific backing to bracelet of stars |

While all kinds of remedies have no "scientific backing," the Placebo effect, the power of the mind to effect healing with hope and expectation, is certainly a fact of science. No scientific backing to bracelet of stars |

Disorders of the Will : Happy New Year?!

On this day when so many of us are glad for the blank sheet of paper, the turn of the calendar, the new year's fresh start, I continue to wonder about how people change. That, after all, is what people are really after when they seek therapy. Some relationship, some turn of mind, a problem beyond their experience to avoid or help draws them to consider the time apart, the confidential help that therapy provides. After years of reading, debating, writing and anguishing with others about this human problem, I believe that change requires a combination of pain, hope and resources. Personal pain to want to create difference, hope that will pull us forward even when we continue to fail, and the resources that help us act against habit, behavior, will, environment and even genetics. One of those resources is imagination; another, time; yet another, self control. It's that self control that is such a stinker for us all. And to that point, I was reading an online excerpt today on t

Best Careers 2011: Marriage and Family Therapist - US News and World Report

Nice to see that MFTs are coming into the mainstream, although I still think we are a wonderful bunch of iconoclasts, and proud of it! Best Careers 2011: Marriage and Family Therapist - US News and World Report

My Take: Who owns Jesus? Who owns yoga? – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Yes, if purity of faith is what you're looking for, eventually you will be very - VERY - disappointed. Even the scandalous, unique aspects of faith eventually become part of culture. "All religions are mash-ups," writes Stephen Prothero, religion scholar at Boston University. My Take: Who owns Jesus? Who owns yoga? – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Therapy Issues: Discerning the Professional from the Personal

What's the difference between friendly advice and therapy? A lot. Compassionate boundaries of respect and limits, for a start. Therapy Issues: Discerning the Professional from the Personal

Chronic Illness and the Family

The good people at have made me a Topic Expert in Family Therapy. I write a column monthly - here's the latest: It may be the idealized image of television shows, or perfect, ever-present pictures in advertising in newspapers and magazines, or just the plan hopefulness with which we all start our families. But most of us don’t plan to include chronic, life-long health problems in our family plan. Our bodies are quite amazing creations, able to fight off disease, recover from injury, grow, age and change every day. We aren’t minds that have bodies attached, but we are instead bodies that think. We must eat, move, think, rest, work and love with our physical selves in mind. And for the most part, this natural rhythm of self-care makes life work. But life isn’t smooth, and our physical systems aren’t perfect. Some of us will encounter injury, disease or disability that does not respond to time and care. For many of us, that process comes quite late